Today's Reading


In a world where surprises were not always the good kind, Chloe Anderson knew she'd better savor the moment. A glimpse of her debut novel in the bookshop window reinforced the thought. Her book baby. Even a year out from publication, the sight of it ushered in feelings of joy and appreciation.

The bell tinkled a welcoming hello as she entered the store. Only concern for her best friend dulled the warm glow of gratitude. She headed straight for the counter where Meghan fielded a phone call. Her long blonde locks, usually worn in waves around her slender shoulders, were pulled back into a low ponytail and her face was bare of even lipstick. In short, her friend's troubles were written all over her face.

The store was quiet just as she'd hoped, except for Meghan's end of the conversation. "I'm sorry, Miss Evelyn. If you bring the book back, we'll exchange the copy for—" Meghan spotted Chloe and waggled her fingers even as she rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry— No, I didn't realize it was for your book club— That's not much time, but you're a fast reader so I'm sure you'll—Yes, I understand. I'll hold the copy behind the counter, so if I'm not here—Again, I'm sorry for the trouble—All right. Good-bye, Miss Evelyn. Tell your mama I said hello."

"What now?" Chloe asked as soon as Meghan ended the call. Miss Evelyn was known for returning every book she bought—even if she'd finished it.

"She actually has a valid complaint this time. The book's missing the entire first chapter."

"What? That can happen? Thank God I didn't know that." She'd worried herself sick over every detail of her novel's release—all for naught, it turned out.

Meghan whipped out her cell phone and began tapping the screen.

"How are you doing?" Chloe asked. "Is there anything you need? Chocolate? Liquor? Cyanide—for him, not you."

"You really don't have to check on me every day," Meghan said without glancing up. "I'm perfectly fine."

"I know. But I also realize how hard this is and I want to be here for you." After losing his job three years ago, Meghan's husband, Kyle, lounged around the house drinking while Meghan struggled to run the Beachfront Bookshop and pay the bills. After two years of Kyle refusing professional help, she filed for separation. She gave him another year to get his act together, but that's not what happened. The divorce was finalized last week.

"I appreciate your concern but I'm really okay. I just need to get through this and on to better days."

"Tell me you aren't on that app again," Chloe said.

Meghan's eyes were still glued to the screen. "I'm not on that app again."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire."

Meghan had been holding up pretty well until six months ago when, while still hoping to reconcile with Kyle, she discovered he'd invited his high school girlfriend to move in. That's when Meghan remembered the app on her phone that remotely controlled the thermostat in their old house.

"It's going to be quite toasty at Kyle's house today," Meghan said. "I'm thinking eighty-five degrees...."

She couldn't blame Meghan for feeling bitter, but Chloe hoped she'd get it out of her system soon. "What happened to the 'better days' part? You have your beautiful bookstore—and me. What else could you possibly need?"

Meghan gave the screen a final tap and slipped the phone into her pocket, producing a big cheesy smile. "And just like that, I feel so much better. Speaking of you, did you see my beach-read display in the front window? Your book is front and center and still selling like hotcakes."

"Aw, you're too good to me." Not only was Meghan her biggest fan, but she'd been the one who encouraged Chloe to write the book to begin with. "I should've added your name to the cover."

"Your note in the acknowledgments was perfectly adequate. I show it to practically everyone who enters the store."

"As well you should."

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